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Is Hydro Québec bashing your wallet again

Updated: Nov 26, 2020

On average 75% of homes in Montreal would not pass insulation inspection.

Why is it important to have a well insulated home? Well its very simple, in the last couple of years Québec has known an incredible increase in electricity prices. Which was a big wake-up call for homeowners around the province. in this blog I will be further explaining what causes you too see those numbers on your hydro bills.

First off, the general idea of insulation is heat retention. If your home cannot retain heat for the appropriate amount of time, you will be very quickly going lower than desired temperature. Which will cause your heaters to constantly restart to heat. Such use of your heating equipment will cause much faster wear and tear and reduce use expectancy from your equipment which is an additional cost to your heating expense. In comparison to a well insulated home, your heater might go on up to six times an hour or even never go off when a well insulated home will have his heaters go on once an hour

David Kalantarov.

Company Director and owner

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